How to Fix “You’re tapping too fast. Take a break!” on TikTok

How to Fix “You’re tapping too fast. Take a break!” on TikTok

Is the TikTok app giving you the “You’re tapping too fast.
Does it say, “Take a break! ” every time you try to like a video?

You’re not alone; many people, especially those with newer accounts, have experienced this problem. It’s annoying because you can’t interact with the videos in any way. You won’t be able to back your favourite artists because of this. Learn what caused the issue, how to solve it, and how to avoid it in the future by reading this article.


Why is TikTok showing this error: You’re tapping too fast take a break?

What’s causing this problem on TikTok?
You should slow down your tapping.
video that I’m trying to like?

The error message appears on TikTok because you are rapidly liking and commenting on videos without giving them adequate consideration. You will be temporarily banned from liking or commenting on videos if TikTok determines that you are a bot because you have liked a large number of videos without actually watching them.

This error message is more common in newer accounts. This is because newer accounts haven’t earned TikTok’s “trust.” TikTok will suspect you’re a bot if you just made an account, like a bunch of videos without watching them, and then try to prevent you from doing anything else.

 TikTok penalises newer accounts in a number of ways, including the inability to access the For You Page until you’ve posted a few movies and the imposition of other limitations. Every day, a large number of automated TikTok accounts are created.

The system developed by TikTok can identify spam and bots, which significantly cuts down on the number of false accounts. As a result, the “You’re tapping too rapidly” message may appear if you like many videos without watching them in full.
The “Pause for a while!” was a typo.

How long does the error message last?

The duration of the error message may vary from minutes to hours to even days. TikTok doesn’t trust new accounts, therefore they may block you for a longer period of time. But because TikTok is more likely to trust older accounts, the suspension period for those accounts is shorter.

There’s no need to panic, though; the warning will go away soon. That roadblock is only momentary.

How to Fix: You’re tapping too fast take a break on TikTok

How then do you correct this oversight?

When you tap too quickly, the message “You’re tapping too fast.” appears.
If you get the “Take a break!” issue on TikTok, you can either wait for the problem to resolve itself, clear your cache, reinstall the app, or make a new account. Let’s examine these approaches, one by one.

1. Wait it out

When you get the “You’re tapping too rapidly, take a break” issue on TikTok, the most popular solution is to simply wait until the error goes away. According to the number of times you’ve seen the error message, the block could be in place for anywhere from a few minutes to an entire hour.

Waiting it out is your best bet, and the barrier will be removed at some point. Please be aware that this error notice will disappear shortly. Therefore, the roadblock will be removed eventually.

2. Clear your cache

In the TikTok app, data is stored in a feature called “cache.”

You may clear your browsing history by clicking the “Clear cache” button just above the “Add account” button.

Use the “Clear cache” option.

You’re all set.

A loading animation will play once you’ve selected the “Clear cache” button.

Once the number to the right of the “Clear cache” option decreases to “0 M,” the cache has been successfully deleted.

3. Reinstall the app

A loading animation will play once you’ve selected the “Clear cache” button.

Once the number to the right of the “Clear cache” option decreases to “0 M,” the cache has been successfully deleted.

4. Create a new account

If you’ve exhausted all other options, making a brand new account is your last choice. If you make a new account, it will be in a whole new condition, with no previous blocks, shadowbans, etc.n You shouldn’t make the same mistake(s) with this account that you made with the last one.

Don’t do that, or you’ll get blocked or banned again. It’s smart to set up a secondary account in case something happens to your primary one. In the event that your primary account is compromised, terminated, or otherwise rendered inaccessible, a backup account will serve as a backup plan.

How to Prevent: You’re tapping too fast take a break on TikTok

If that’s the case, what can be done to suppress the warning?

In order to avoid the “You’re tapping too fast, take a break” message on TikTok, users should give videos their full attention before giving them a thumbs up or leaving a comment. This holds true especially for a fresher account.

1. Watch the full length of a video before liking it

Before giving a video a thumbs up or making a comment, make sure you view it in its entirety. Why?

Because if you don’t, TikTok will assume you’re a robot and prevent you from performing any further activities.  This happens more often with brand new accounts since TikTok doesn’t know what to make of you just yet. So, if you just made an account, try not to overdo it with the thumbs up and comments.

2. Use the app like a human

Although it may sound ridiculous, you may avoid making the mistake by treating the app like it was designed for actual humans. That is to say, you should follow, like, and comment at regular intervals rather than constantly. TikTok will temporarily suspend your account if it detects that you are using the service for automated activities such as following, liking, or commenting.

Why does TikTok say you’re tapping too fast? (another common error)

The “You’re following too rapidly” mistake is another frequent warning. If you have gone beyond the following TikTok limit, you will receive this error message. In general, you shouldn’t try to follow more than 30 people per hour. Always follow users at staggered intervals to avoid getting banned.


The You’re tapping too fast take a break message appears on TikTok when a user likes a video too quickly without giving it a full minute of their attention. You must watch an entire video before giving it a thumbs up or leaving a comment if you ever want to avoid seeing this warning again.

As such, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you’re a real person and not some kind of automated programme.

Final Lines

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