Venom vs Avengers

Venom vs Avengers: Who Can Venom Beat?

To be clear, Venom has never been an official member of the Avengers (unless you consider the Secret Avengers and the Savage Avengers), but he has worked with many Avengers in the past. Now, let’s see how he would fare versus each individual in the group.

Venom would lose to Thor, Hulk, and Doctor Strange but win over Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Black Panther, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Shang-Chi.

Now that you know the quick answer, in the following sections, we will provide a more in-depth analysis of how the battle between Venom and the Avengers might ultimately play out.


Venom vs Captain America

A showdown between Venom and Captain America would be riveting. Both rely on physical strength and weapons, with Venom being the more inventive of the two in the latter category, although neither has any particularly “out of the ordinary” superpowers.
The question remains, though, whether Captain America’s bravery and resiliency are sufficient to defeat Venom.
Actually, we don’t believe that. Although Captain America might be able to outwit Venom on occasion, we still predict Venom winning this matchup since we believe he would win more often.

Venom vs Thor

The victor in this matchup is obvious at this point. Venom is a formidable adversary for a standard or even somewhat enhanced superhero, yet for the Asgardian God of Thunder, he is no more than a minor pest. The Symbiote might be able to strike a few blows, but he wouldn’t pose much of a threat.

We have no doubt that Thor, even in his most basic form, would easily defeat Venom. The God of Thunder is simply too powerful for the Symbiote to deal any significant damage.

Venom vs Iron Man

A fight between Venom and Iron Man would definitely be entertaining. Iron Man has a wide range of weapons at his disposal; he would undoubtedly find something to oppose Venom’s talents, especially given that fire and high-pitched sounds are two of Venom’s weaknesses. Venom, on the other side, has such a wide range of abilities and tactics that he could easily disrupt Iron Man’s armor.
Now while we’d normally call this a draw, we feel compelled to say that we’re confident Venom could beat Iron Man; maybe not every time, but he could do it.

Venom vs Avengers

Venom vs Hulk

The Hulk would easily triumph over Venom, making this decision as obvious as the one involving Thor. Hulk is, along with Thor, one of Marvel’s mightiest heroes, and Venom has little chance of winning. He may be strong and resourceful, but he wouldn’t be able to do much against the Green Goliath.
Based on our knowledge of the Hulk’s abilities, we can say with confidence that he would easily triumph against Venom in a battle of wits and brawn. Given the Hulk’s strength, we doubt that Venom could form a lasting bond with him.

Venom vs Black Panther

Shame Vibranium doesn’t eliminate Symbiotes. A fight between Black Panther and Venom would be exciting to witness because he is an accomplished fighter and a fantastic superhero. The truth is, Venom doesn’t like Black Panther’s costume or Vibranium very much, which is why Venom would win one-on-one combat.

Similar to the case with Iron Man, Venom is not the clear victor in this one, either. However, Venom can beat Black Panther in a battle, so we’ll give this one to him.

Venom vs Spider-Man

Aw, Venom and Spider-rivalry Man’s across the ages is one of Marvel’s finest. Venom resents Spider-Man for rejecting him during the Secret Wars storyline, and Spider-Man just wants to stop Venom from killing people. True, Spider-Man normally comes out on top since he’s the protagonist, but if we’re being really impartial, Venom is the superior hero.

There is no question that Venom could defeat Spider-Man in direct battle, as he has previously done it on multiple occasions, and as this article is only aiming to demonstrate who Venom might beat, even once, we are undoubtedly giving the Symbiote the points here.

Venom vs Doctor Strange

As the planet’s top magic user, Stephen Strange wields immense power. Counting all of his special abilities would require a whole new article. So, how well do you think Venom would do against such a formidable foe? Things are probably not going well.

What could Venom possibly accomplish against Strange’s sorcery, despite his resourcefulness and demonstrated versatility? Almost nothing at all.

Even though the Symbiote is capable of long-range battle, Strange would be able to effortlessly neutralize it with his magic before Venom even got close to him. Considering Strange’s skill and expertise, Venom’s only hope would be a surprise attack, but even that would be tough.

Considering how easily Venom could dispatch Natasha and how little she could hope to accomplish against the mighty Symbiote, this round is easily won by Venom.

Venom vs Hawkeye

One of the most intriguing pairings on this list, for sure. To be specific, on paper, Venom is significantly more potent than Hawkeye, and the two heroes are very similar to Venom and Black Widow (see above).

Venom may be even more potent than Hawkeye because the former is just a decent shot and an even better athlete, while the latter lacks even the most fundamental superpowers that Natasha possesses. There is, however, a catch.

To be specific, Hawkeye is a skilled marksman who could likely discover a means to inflict long-distance damage on Venom. He also benefits from having easy access to a wide variety of unique arrows to use in his work. At a great distance, he would shoot Venom with a supersonic arrow tipped with napalm, and the Symbiote would be completely unprepared.

We won’t go so far as to argue that Hawkeye is weaker than Venom; all we can say is that Venom would win this fight.

Venom vs Ant-Man

Another intriguing pairing, but we give the edge to Venom in this one. Ant-Man would give him a good run for his money, but ultimately we think Venom would prevail. Ant-size-changing Man’s ability is the most noticeable of his many cool moves.

The fact that Venom is a Symbiote and operates on a sub-atomic level means that he would have a hard time competing with gigantic or microscopic Ant-Man.

Does that sound like it might be adequate? That’s what we’ve come to believe, at any rate. Venom may have difficulties finding Ant-Man or grappling with him, but we still have him as the victor because he will find a method to weaken Ant-Man.

Venom vs Shang-Chi

Last but not least, how would Venom fare versus Shang-Chi? If the martial artist didn’t have the Ten Rings, Venom would have little trouble defeating him. Those who are concerned with the Rings? Even though things might get more exciting and tight, we believe Venom will ultimately triumph.

Venom, to be specific, is a very multifaceted protagonist. We also award Venom this point because he is resourceful and adaptable, and the Ten Rings aren’t quite on par with the Infinity Gauntlet.

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