Oliver North Net Worth

Oliver North Net Worth: The 118th Congress is Hereby Greeted and Urged to Immediately Begin Its Work!

Here, we talk about the net worth of Oliver North. In this article, we are talking about net worth and salary. We are also informing you about their career and so many other things.

In today’s piece, we’ve discussed every aspect of Oliver North career. Please continue scrolling down!


Oliver North Net Worth

The financial status of Oliver North: Ex-Lt. Col. in the U.S. Marine Corps Oliver North is now a conservative political analyst, TV personality, military historian, and author with an estimated $5 million in wealth.

Oliver North became well-known because he was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal in the 1980s. In that scandal, money from sales to the Islamic Republic of Iran was secretly sent to the Contra guerrilla groups in Nicaragua. Must check this Maren Morris Net Worth.

He was the president of the National Rifle Association from May 2018 until April 2019, after having held a radio talk program for several years and becoming a Fox News figure.

On October 7, 1943, Oliver North entered this world. He was born in San Antonio, Texas. Later, he enrolled at the Brockport State University of New York.

He attended SUNY-Brockport for two years before receiving an offer to attend the United States Naval Academy. He joined the military during Vietnam and worked his way up to become the National Security Council’s deputy director for political-military affairs in Washington, DC.

He was awarded the Silver Star, the Purple Heart, and many other medals and decorations for his service. However, his involvement in the Iran-Contra crisis is what brought him the most fame. Must read about Rhonda Byrnes Net Worth.

Selling weapons to Iran and using the money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua was a major political controversy during the Reagan administration.

He took some blame for the various deals and in exchange for testifying to Congress, he was granted partial protection from prosecution.

Please also He was found guilty of three crimes related to the scam, but the convictions were overturned and the charges were dropped in 1991 because an appeals court thought that his testimony to Congress could have influenced the testimony of other witnesses. Please read Richard Chamberlain Net Worth.

The 118th Congress Is Hereby Greeted And Urged to Immediately Begin Its Work.

The 116th Congress of the United States of America takes its oath of office today. And if you’re new to Washington, welcome! So that my readers and our elected representatives are clear, this is the oath you will take:

I, (your name), solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or plans to get out of it; and that I will well and faithfully do the work of the office I am about to take. As God is my witness.

Since we are commanded to protect children at every stage of their development (from conception to adulthood), I care about all children.

Recently published (a few days ago) in Epoch Times, Naveen Athrappully writes:

“School administrators who ensure that (a) same-gender and gender non-conforming couples are represented at school events like pep rallies and proms, (b) students are free to use the bathroom and locker of their choice, (c) there is equal gender representation in sports teams, and (d) students have access to age-appropriate LGBTQ specific online materials, resources, and information are given an A rating (and grants).”

Mike Pompeo has recently stated, “The most dangerous person in the world is Randi Weingarten.” In this case, the outcome is not even close.

Weingarten, as president of the American Federation of Teachers, is a leading advocate for the LBGT agenda and other forms of destruction being imposed on our children in American schools.

Congress must intervene to ensure that students in the United States are taught critical thinking skills, literacy, numeracy, and the sciences.

Oliver North Net Worth
Oliver North Net Worth

Despite Republicans’ failure to win control of the Senate, they do have the power to stop funding anti-American initiatives and agencies, starting with the Department of Education.

Even better, they can completely cut federal funding for public schools and give authority back to individual communities and their respective parent-teacher associations.

Every bad foreign policy this corrupt White House implements should be immediately defunded by Congress. First, you need to read this: The Journal of News Literacy has just published an article by Caroline Glick:

According to the article, “… the Biden administration vigorously pursued its plan of realigning the U.S. away from Israel and the Sunni Arab states by legitimizing Iran’s nuclear weapons development and enriching the regime through nuclear diplomacy…” must check also Carly Simon Net Worth.

In December, France and high-ranking EU officials met with Iranian Foreign Policy Committee member Javad Karimi-Ghodousi in Amman, Jordan, to continue discussions about Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

The Biden administration (which was not represented in person) and the International Atomic Energy Agency gave in to both of Iran’s main demands during a meeting in Amman.

IAEA‘s investigation into Iran’s three undisclosed nuclear sites will be closed, and the Biden administration’s economic concessions will be binding on its successors at least in the commercial arena.

Our national security is crumbling from every angle as terrorists target our children in their schools.

Please also For future columns, I will elaborate on the measures Congress MUST take to live up to their oath of office and win back the confidence of the American people. Please read Cole Porter Net Worth.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the fate of our country and the survival of our constitutional republic are now in the hands of 222 Republican congressmen.


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