Ken Kaneki vs Eren Yeager

The Last Part of Eren Yeager Vs. Ken Kaneki, With the Result!

When the first titan approached, the dragon ghoul’s gigantic size and fleshy shape began releasing a vapor. Its surface sprouted eyeballs, and then those eyes contracted as the mass divided and the dark crimson lumps of flesh spread outward to create the monsters’ bodies.

They slithered out of the cell they’d been kept in, teeth gnashed and eyes hollow red, blood-curdling groans of hunger emanating from their gaping maws. Dragon’s body began sprouting tentacles all over for defense.

When Eren saw this, he immediately called forth the skeletal remains of the Nine Titans to form an army on his enormous back.

Using the spike on his back as a makeshift pitching mound, the Beast Titan launches a round of stones at the dragon ghoul.

No matter how many projectiles the multiple Warhammer titans fire or fling, the dragon ghoul’s main head appears unscathed.

At this time, many of the dragon orphans broke away from the main body and began ascending the founding titan body at a dizzying rate of speed, only to be met by the missiles of the beast titan and the Warhammer titan, who swiftly disposed of the first wave. One hundred and twenty of the defenders were killed, exploding into bloody torrents that left nothing but ripped meat in their wake.

That this was merely the beginning is evidenced by the fact that other waves of people emerged until eventually, they dominated the surrounding community.

As the two giants stand only a few meters apart from one another, they deliver a devastating headbutt, each one seemed as determined as the last.

As the dragon orphans close in on the titan army, the two forces come into contact and battle, but Eren had no intention of letting this happen and instead launched a joint long-range attack.

One by one, they made contact and promptly tore through several of them. Their bodies were mangled and flew through the air. In apparent retaliation, the monsters in the floods began to move more swiftly in that direction, the monsters’ source began to emit massive streams to its flanks, and the monsters’ ascent toward Eren’s rear resumed.

Each missile had the lethal potential of a bullet. They tore through the zombies, one by one. And all of a sudden, Eren could hear the looming fear from every direction. When he looked around, he realized that the other segments of the dragon’s body were flooding the streets, causing even the largest buildings to collapse and crack themselves.

Eren saw his enemies closing in on him more swiftly than he had intended, so he ordered his army to surround him from all sides. However, he soon realized that the moon was obscured, and night had fallen. When he turned around, he saw that a huge tentacle had appeared above him.

Before he could react, the Kagune slammed into his back, causing numerous cracks and shattering Zeke beast titan. The ghouls then climbed to the top of Eren’s back, facing the opposing titan army.

Dragon orphans were giving chase while piled on top of each other. There was no time for the monsters to react as the giants ripped through them with punches, kicks, claws, teeth, and weapons, swiftly slaughtering dozens of them.

They weren’t knocked out by a single blow. Eren watched as his army’s recent gains began to disappear; the ghouls’ seemingly endless horde of attackers and their superior speed were proving too much for even the toughest titans, and many of them were being pounced upon, piled upon, and attacked by the swarming monsters with teeth and claws.

Despite this, the titan army kept pounding away at the ghouls, smashing in each of their skulls but ignoring the rest of their bodies. As they labored, Eren realized that his efforts were going unrewarded and that the dragon’s many tentacles were rapidly closing in on his position.

The monsters started climbing vertically, using each other as a makeshift ladder to get to the enormous back as quickly as possible. After making some progress toward eren.

Eren created the upper half of Bertholdt’s huge titan swiftly, bringing down his giant hand towards the hordes and crushing them under the weight of his might. He then pulled the hand deeper along the bones and began rolling over the ghouls, crushing them all flat. He put forth one more effort, and a large number of the ghosts were reduced to a fine powder.

Finally, a dozen of the dragon’s tentacles came, and by a stroke of luck, one of them sank its enormous fangs into the neck of the gigantic behemoth, ultimately killing him.

In response to the ghouls still climbing on one side and the dragon tentacles on the other, Eren called all the huge titans from across the ages to the ground. Their sheer number quickly spread over the entire city and they began to walk forward, crushing the ghouls beneath them.

Every inch of the gigantic skeleton’s back was a battleground, with titans fighting off ghouls and dragon tentacles from every direction.

An armored titan swung his fist, pushing back a few ghouls, then turned around and batted away a large group of monsters. Their rate of advancement increased, An enormous baby dragon pounced out of the crowd and sank its teeth into his right leg, right where the hardening wasn’t. As its hold tightened, it started to give way to the pressure…

Ken Kaneki vs Eren Yeager
Ken Kaneki vs Eren Yeager

A swarm of ghouls surged past him as he swung even harder, bashing the animals into mush once more. However, more of the beasts grabbed onto him, and eventually, his weight was too great, and he was pinned to the ground by a dozen, then a hundred of them. Already there were almost a thousand of them riding on the titan’s back, and more were on their way.

Then, out of nowhere, one of the dragon’s tentacles was severed as though by a colossal blue hammer. The tentacles all spun around to face a new threat and charged. The second layer of skin in the style of a cowl enveloped this titan’s head and ears; its eyes, lips, and jaw were visible through a mesh of skin. The titan was toting its characteristic war hammer, which was made of solidified Titan flesh and was roughly twice as tall as the titan itself.

Tentacles slashed at the giant from all directions, sinking their teeth into each limb before pulling with all their might to tear the titan to shreds.

Then, something swooped up from behind them, slashing many of them at the back of the neck. When they turned their annoyed gaze to the opposite side, they saw a second jaw giant with deep eyes, a heavy brow, and long blonde hair. In contrast to the long beard that covered his chin, the rest of his face was bare, and his lips were instead arranged in a coglike pattern of seemingly hard skin. He noticed that his Titan had what seemed like an armored face, fingers, and knuckles. The muscles on his body were toned and chiseled.

After that, they accelerated dramatically as they continued forward. Quickly they rushed up to the jaw giant that had him pinned between its teeth and tore his head clean off before devouring him whole.

Eren glanced swiftly about; even though the horde of approaching ghouls was weaker, their number appeared unending, and they were closing in. The titan raised a fist and started beating its brains savagely, ripping through the swarms of ghouls like they were made of wet paper.

There on the other side, the battle raged on while the Colossal giants’ army arrived and began to ascend the Dragon Ghoul. Which responded to the threat by forming a plethora of huge tentacles.

The blade began slashing into the titans’ bodies, killing some but not all of them; the survivors’ combined weight began bringing down structures around the town, and large portions of the dragon were crushed by the enormous titan.

The dragon let out a primal cry, and his entire body trembled in pain; then, all of a sudden, it started moving quite swiftly and knocked all of them off of him, sending them tumbling to the shattered streets below.

As the city became a battleground, the dragon went on the offensive, smashing the few remaining structures with its entire body as it crashed with all the huge giants at once. Pushing them onward along the streets, the dragon overpowered and mowed down every single enormous titan, several of whom fell to the ground while attempting to attack the dragon from behind.

To protect Eren, the army of giant titans put outstretched arms and pushed against the dragon, slowing its forward momentum. That is until it pushed back against the titans with an army of fleshy arms that looked eerily like armored arms, complete with sharpened fingertip fangs ready to burrow into the skin and push back.

The dragon continued its advance, crushing the bodies of the remaining huge titans until they were little more than dust in the wind. Hundreds of titans succumbed to this attack, and all that was left of them was pulverized into dust. Eren exclaims in shock, “He… He is bursting through them all…?” Cutting through the titans like butter, searching for any he may have missed within the city and destroying them while slashing the buildings to shreds in the process!

At that moment, the city was gone, replaced by a devastating battlefield littered with the ruins of buildings, the dismembered remnants of the dragon, and the disintegrating bodies of slain titans. The dragon has finally realized that he is getting exhausted and that he has killed almost every living thing in that area save for the founding titan.

While Eren had lost a large number of his army, he still had a few hundreds of titans standing on his back, the ghouls were destroyed as their remains were splattered on the streets and none of them were left standing. Both warriors let out a mighty roar as they charged full speed ahead toward each other. The sun, the moon, and Earth are all visible from space.

After a brief while, the earth begins its cycle around the sun, and upon returning to the battlefield, it will be clear that they are still very much active. The battle lasted for a full day, leaving the continent they were on in ruins along with everything in its path: people, homes, villages, cities, and countries.

Half of the dragon ghoul’s body weight has been lost to wounds, and the founding titan, whose own body is riddled with broken or missing bones and for which it has no more titans to call on for aid, is desperately trying to mend. And yet, despite this, their massive hands are still pressing together. But when one particularly large Kagune attacked, Eren’s head and neck wrenched forward with a horrible crack and blood gushed from his slashed throat.

Eren’s head broke open, blood flowing out as the severed head was sent hurtling downward, and at that very moment what may be referred to as a “shining centipede” appeared, but it lacked obvious eyes or a mouth and instead had what appeared to be a mass of feelers on its head. There appeared to be no segments or joints connecting the limbs to the rest of the body. As soon as it emerged from Eren’s neck, it grew to enormous proportions and began attempting to re-join Eren’s head to his body.

Unfortunately, one of the maws swooped in and snatched it up first. As the anomaly became increasingly frustrated at its inability to reunite with its companion, it became increasingly hostile, actively squirming and attempting to free itself from the dragon’s embrace, before eventually being engulfed and consumed by the dragon.

As the founding titan’s body began disintegrating and vanishing, the dragon could feel it writhing and struggling inside of him, still alive and trying to escape. Suddenly, an explosion of energy went out, so powerful at this point that it disintegrated the remaining structures around them, incinerated what little life was left in the area, and caught the entire body of the dragon within the blast, which was visible from miles away.

Eren, now transformed into a giant behemoth, emerged through the gaping hole that had been left behind.

Because of the severity of the attack, he could see that the dragon had to drastically alter its appearance, taking on the appearance of a large centipede.

Eren clenched his hands as the dragon charged forward at full speed; the two warriors knew that this was it and that only one of them would survive.

The dragon suffers a direct blow to the head, cracking his shell, but is still quick enough to begin wrapping and bite down on its leg. However, it is repeatedly struck by the Titan’s hardened hands, and the cracks quickly spread throughout its entire body.

The dragon is making its way perilously close to Eren’s head as it advances more up his giant body, restricting his maneuverability.

Eren responded fast, catching the dragon’s head in his jaws as it prepared to assault the titan’s head. This gave him enough time to unwind the centipede’s body around him and toss it to the ground with his two hands. In the ensuing struggle, Eren tries to crush it with his foot but it slithers away from the attack; the two then clash once more, this time causing the ground to tremble and crack as if an earthquake were occurring.

A second blow to the dragon ghoul’s armored body is met with a swipe of its tail, breaking the hardening on Eren’s right hand.

Just give up already or I’ll murder you,” Eren said.

Eren launched another punch forward with the ferocity of an Olympic athlete, and the dragon caught it with its massive teeth, absorbing the backlash until the dragon bit down hard enough to break the fist and the entire hand.

Eren raises his other toughened palm to block the dragon’s attack as it charges forward.

No, Eren, I’m not going to back down.

Dragon Kagune rips cleanly through Eren’s stiffening hand, then bites down on the titan’s head, causing vein-like fissures to spread across the titan’s skull in a sea of bloody red.

Because he could no longer defend himself, he began to let off a considerable deal of steam. with the hope of burning and driving away the mad beast that stood so close to his head, but the steam did not affect the dragon. His Kakuja and Kagune quickly began ripping Eren’s body apart into a gory mess, leaving the helpless boy’s exposed head lying in the titan’s gaping maw.

To paraphrase Eren, “I can’t give up yet, I can still…!”

However, he abandoned the project before its completion. when the titan’s human head was obliterated by a huge Kagune flying straight for it.

Just as the titan centipede vanished into thin air, the Titan’s body began to fall and slowly disappear.

As the dust settles, the dragon devours the remains of his defeated adversary, becoming the sole survivor of the entire battle. The dragon ghoul has now fully recovered from its prior injuries and is starting to grow at an exponential rate.

Bombastic Exclamation: Wow It all started with two guys and some blades, and now an entire city is gone.

Wizard: All right, so about this combat… Was completely unexpected; at first, it seemed next to impossible to predict a victor, but upon more inspection… This is going to be a very lengthy discussion, so settle in.

Boomstick: To begin with the obvious, Kaneki’s physicality was greater than Eren’s in their base form. Power, endurance, and velocity. All the odds were stacked in Kaneki’s favor; Eren’s blades wouldn’t penetrate his steel-hard skin, and Kaneki’s Kagune would let him keep up with Eren’s 3D maneuvering equipment.

Wizard: However, once Eren entered titan mode, the disparity in their physical stats would quickly disappear. In titan mode, Eren was unquestionably strong enough to hurt Kaneki with blunt force, and his hardening and Warhammer abilities gave him the superior defenses of the two, allowing him to keep Kaneki at bay for a while.

Kaneki defeated Arima, who had used the Owl Quinque in a manner reminiscent of the War Hammer giant and disarmed him.

Even though Eren’s regeneration aided, it was not as potent as Kaneki’s; the former took several seconds to mend a damaged hand and the latter took a complete minute to renew his entire head, whereas the latter took Kaneki significantly less time.

When it came to close-quarters combat, Eren was the more dangerous of the two, but when it came to long-range combat, Kaneki had the upper hand thanks to his Kagune, which gave him an advantage because of the distance at which he could strike. Furthermore, the Kagune provided Kaneki with more offensive and defensive options than anything that wargamers could build.

Akira chimes in to point out that Seidou Takizawa (a half-ghoul like Kaneki) had no trouble surviving flames topping 4,000 degrees Celsius, yet the body heat of a titan or enormous titan was only an obstacle to him when scaling.

Boomstick: In most cases, Kaneki would take more damage from Eren’s assaults than Eren would deal to Kaneki.

Wiz: But that’s assuming Eren hit Kaneki. Since we’ve only seen Eren’s titan form go as fast as sound when he blocked a cannonball, he can only defend against attacks traveling at most twice as fast as Kaneki (mach1.13).

Boomstick: That’s incredible, but Kaneki was able to block and dodge an electric attack estimated at around Mach 4.13, putting him firmly in the supersonic+ category; and he did this without the dragon buff and without his Kakuja, which is said to give a massive boost in all physical stats, so he can likely go faster, probably reaching baseline hypersonic (Mach 5).

Even if we severely underestimate Kaneki’s speed, he’d still be three times faster than anything Eren has ever reacted to. Considering that Levi at his peak was confident in his ability to defeat Eren and that Kaneki is both faster and more agile than the titan form, it’s safe to say that keeping up with Kaneki wasn’t going to happen.

There is little doubt that Kaneki could inflict damage on Eren even in his titan form, as Ghoul skin is naturally as hard as steel (even reinforced blade break on them) and their kagune is stated to be harder than steel.

Boomstick: He has a healing factor and tremendous pain resistance, so Eren couldn’t kill him before he regenerated from the damage. He’s also tough enough to take a few strikes in Eren’s titan form.

Kaneki would be scoring more hits with the boomstick, while Eren would be missing with alarming regularity. …or the Kagune will defend themselves against his assaults.

Even though Eren appeared to be more resilient on the whole, Kaneki still had more than enough ways to hurt him. Wiz: Their total destructive capability was nearly equivalent due to both of them possessing a building to large building level of attack potency.

Boomstick: Indeed, Eren could probably keep up with Kaneki in his base form. However, Kaneki’s Kakuja put him on a whole other level, one that not even a transformed Eren could overcome.

The shockwave created by Kaneki’s Kakuja wings was calculated to be around 406 Tons of TNT, which while still in the multi-city block range, is at least 2 times higher in power than what the colossal titan has shown it is capable of doing physically (destroying wall maria).

The composition of titan hardening is said to be harder than steel, so the colossal titan feat may be even higher. However, even if we were to exaggerate this fact and say that it surpasses ken’s destructive potential in this state, he would be so horribly outmatched in speed that it would be impossible to hit ken.

Wizard: At first glance, the endurance seemed fairly even.

Even though Titan corpses rapidly evaporate, biting small body parts allows a ghoul to regain stamina and increase their regenerative capabilities, so Eren couldn’t just outlast Kaneki. Boomstick: Yeah, the problem is that Eren’s Warhammer power drains his stamina at a fast rate and likely restricted his ability to transform multiple times.

While the titan’s weak spot seemed to play a significant role in this fight, it didn’t because Kaneki could have easily located it thanks to his enhanced sense of smell and natural sonar. If that hadn’t worked, Kaneki’s enormous speed advantage would have eventually led him to hit Eren in the nape.

Kaneki has fought opponents much larger than himself, such as Eto and the dragon tentacles, and has learned that assaulting the head and, unexpectedly, the nape is the best way to win.

Despite their similar levels of training and experience, and even though they both managed to pull off impressive tricks and strategies in the middle of their fights, Kaneki is the smarter of the two because he consistently uses tactics to exploit his enemy’s weaknesses and because his perfect knowledge of the human body means he could likely attack many of the titan body weak point to wear down Eren using his size against him.

pop-up: It is unclear whether Ken is capable of destroying titan hardening; nonetheless, even employs hardening more often for offensive purposes, and he cannot harden his entire body.

Boomstick: Also, Kaneki’s abilities, durability, and plain approach meant there was virtually nothing for Eren to take advantage of, despite his proficiency at deducing his enemy’s weaknesses and methods in the middle of a fight.

Wiz: Picture this battle as a competition. The question was whether Eren could outmaneuver Kaneki in his titan form and hold him down, or whether Kaneki could deliver enough damage to Eren’s actual body to force him to retreat. If not for the vast disparity in speed and the fact that Kaneki neutralizes nearly all of Eren’s choices, the truth is that Eren would have won.

Boomstick: Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “But what about the founding titan?” This should have been enough to defeat Kaneki, right?

If not for the Dragon Ghoul, Kaneki would have lost right away against the founding titan.

Boomstick: Yes, because although the founding titan was capable of defeating the dragon with its superior army, its continued awareness, and its immense size (it was even taller than the dragon), things quickly began to tip in the dragon’s favor after that.

The founding titan doesn’t do much fighting on its own, instead relying on the titans it creates to do the dirty work. On the other hand, the dragon ghoul is only slightly longer than the founding titan—roughly 20 kilometers versus 600 meters—but it has a significant advantage in terms of power, attack speed, and durability.

Boomstick: The fact that Eren couldn’t kill it was the ultimate straw; the creature is twenty kilometers long and regenerates at an incredible rate. All Eren had to do to win was defeat the founder titan and destroy or eat the titan parasite (“source of all living matter”). In this case, it would have succeeded admirably. It doesn’t help that the dragon grows stronger and bigger as it eats more people, and Eren’s plan to summon the titan army may backfire because, as everyone knows, titans are giants made of human flesh.

Kaneki isn’t an Eldian, thus the titan parasite’s gas can’t turn him into a titan. However, the dragon is likely to infect Eren with the deadly gas because it can infect ordinary humans, severely impairing Eren’s cognitive skills and robbing him of his ability to think clearly.

Boomstick: What about the massive titan explosion? That’s the one thing we haven’t even mentioned yet, and it’s the one that might single-handedly influence the outcome of this whole war.

Wiz: Almost always, yes; the transition produced a nuclear weapon with an estimated range of several city blocks.Boomstick: Yeah, when Armin transformed at Marley, he made a huge explosion. I mean, look at it; an explosion of this magnitude might be roughly 100 to 150 kilotons of TNT, which is enough to threaten a large town; and theoretically, Eren may have been capable of this level of strength.

Wiz: For the sake of argument, let’s assume that Eren is capable of producing as much energy as he did during his full-powered metamorphosis; however, it’s crucial to note that he was only able to do it once owing to weariness and that his explosion wasn’t nearly as massive. Boomstick: In comparison, the unformed dragon was able to cause earthquakes throughout all of Tokyo and create many explosions from the tunnel far underneath that reached the surface, devastating many wards of Tokyo in its wake.

This would have required the dragon to be capable of producing around 612 kilotons of TNT, which is four times higher than the best feat in the AOT series, and this was just the lowball estimate. Wiz: Even if the explosion completely vaporized the dragon ghoul, it still wouldn’t destroy it because its blast radius is just about 1480.422 m, which is nowhere near enough to destroy the entire huge Kagune, which is 15 times longer than that. Boomstick: However, one’s physical prowess is not the only factor in a battle. I mean, it’s not like the dragon ghoul is indestructible; it has its vulnerabilities, too, like the first one-eyed king, who was beaten when all of his eyes were shattered.

If all of the dragon ghoul’s oviducts had been slain, wouldn’t that have swung the battle in their favor? To find and eliminate all of the oviducts or all of the eyes would be a statistical impossibility, but it’s “possible” that Eren could discover that weakness. It’s possible, but the odds aren’t great, especially if you don’t know your opponent or have a method to find out what their weaknesses are, and the physical odds are stacked against you.

Given the dragon’s superior strength and attack speed, and the fact that it quickly grew to 20 km in size after consuming hundreds of thousands of people, the Rumbling may end up doing more harm than good for Eren if he were to get it. Wiz: It’s an understatement to say that we had a hard time deciding who won this bout. Sure, Eren might pull off a few upsets in specific situations… We believed, however, that this was the battle’s most likely outcome.

Ken Kaneki vs Eren Yeager

Eren’s titan powers, incredible strength, and even greater willpower made this a close fight, yet he still lost to Boomstick. Ultimately, the half-greater ghoul’s speed, tactics, power output, flawless counters, and better trump card were too much for the Titan Shifter to overcome.

Better Healing Factor and pain tolerance allows him to keep fighting even in a near-death situation

+At least slightly Smarter and more tactical on the fly

+Essentially had eight weapons to strike with at once

+ Far faster, more agile, and more mobile compared to the titan form + Durable enough to survive most of Eren’s arsenal +Definitely strong enough to heavily damage Eren + Can find Eren’s weak spot and the means to reach it + Superior long-range power + Kagune offers more versatility than Warhammer’s power

+Reactive power level could increase the gaps in power and speed by a small amount as the fight went on + Had the means to exploit Eren’s weaknesses

+His ability to replenish his stamina mid-fight allowed him to outlast Eren

+Kaneki’s kakuja outclassed eren in basically every category

+The Dragon Ghoul was an overall better trump card

+More hax(Can infect Eren with ROS)


= equal training and experience

– close-ranged options weren’t as powerful as Eren’s -wouldn’t know about the titan weak spot

-may have problems getting around Eren’s defenses

– not as strong physically

-Overall not as durable

– the titan size undoubtedly is difficult to handle – The damage he would deal would ultimately pile up, but it would be nothing that Eren couldn’t heal from initially

-Without the dragon has no chance to beat Eren if he transforms into the founding titan

-The attack on Titan anime adaptation is way better than Tokyo ghoul’s one


Eren Yeager + Despite his regen being inferior, it was still helpful and as a whole kept him in the fight + obvious size advantage +More options defensively naturally slowing down kaneki’s assault + Overall more durable

+ Slightly better destructive potential at first

+ Physically far stronger

+The Titan hardening trap could trick kaneki and buy some time

+Kaneki wouldn’t know about the titan weak spot

+Could summon Titans to help him

+Sheer Determination and Willpower meant he wasn’t going down without a fight

+The founding titan could have killed kaneki and scaled higher than everything kaneki has.

-But was ultimately countered and outmatched by the dragon ghoul

= equal training and experience

– hardening could be destroyed – Had no way of really dealing with Kaneko’s speed nor closing the distance between the two – Likely to get overwhelmed by Kaneki’s attacks – In long-ranged combat, he’d be made into a punching bag – Slower and less agile

-completely outmatched by the Kakuja

-less tactical in comparison

-Not as endurant

-less versatile

-His hax wouldn’t work

– No way to exploit Kaneki’s weaknesses

-Rumbling is not standard

-Chapter 139


Original Track

The battle theme is Custom Deathbattle’s “Ghoulish titans.” It’s a somber and foreboding tune that captures the dark sides of both adversaries.

The song’s title is a portmanteau of the two series’ titles and each character’s metamorphosis (Titans for eren and ghouls for kaneki).

Featuring the military shield from Attack on Titan and Kaneki’s mask nearby, the cover art depicts Eren and Ken’s swords battling, with Ken’s kagune circling them and two glowing eyes, one blue at the top right and the other red at the top left.


  • Both Ken and Eren, iconic protagonists of the Senin series from the early to mid-2010s, live in a world where monsters oppress humanity; both begin the series as idealistic and hopeful protagonists who want to help humanity rise against their oppressors; however, after experiencing a traumatic event that transforms them into a said monster, their mental state shatters and crumbles throughout the show, and they become drastically different people by the end. This resulted in the deaths of many loved ones for both parties.
  • Eren abandons his pals to keep the conflict going with the rest of humanity. Several of kaneki’s loved ones are brutally murdered by Furuta in front of his eyes. Both then go on a killing spree as Kaiju monsters, turning hundreds of thousands of humans into ghouls and titans.
  • Alternatively, it’s a conflict between two opposites: Ken gives up his principles to save the people he cares about, while Eren risks losing the people he loves to achieve his goals. While Kaneki became the one-eyed King, he became a man of inaction, only running from the oncoming bloodshed, Eren is a man of action, eager to make any sacrifice to save his people. Despite having similar beginnings, they develop in very different ways.
  • It took a lot longer than I had anticipated for this conflict to reach its conclusion, but I’m pleased with how things turned out in the end.

    Feel free to share your thoughts on the ruling, whether you agree or disagree with the decision.

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