How Old Is Hitler Today

How Old Is Hitler Today And How Did His De@th Happened?

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889, in the Austro-Hungarian village of Braunau am Inn. He rose to become the Nazi Party’s leader and is often considered the most despised person in history. He was responsible for spreading fascism throughout Europe, taking Germany to war in 1939, and presiding over the Holocaust. Despite his de@th in Berlin on April 30, 1945, Hitler never achieved his goal of wiping out the Jewish population.


How Old Is Hitler Today?

Hitler passed away on April 30, 1945, exactly 10 days after his 56th birthday. He would be 134 years old if he was alive today. His final birthday was spent holed up in the Führerbunker, an underground bunker beneath the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. He did not have the same lavish birthday celebrations as in years past because it was obvious by then that Germany had lost the war.

Hitler’s last walk outside the bunker was on his birthday, when he presented Iron Crosses to Hitler Youth soldiers who had battled the Red Army of the Soviet Union. Eva Braun, Hitler’s companion, organized a modest party later that evening. However, the Nazi chief stayed in his chamber and ignored the event.

What Was Going On In The Days Before He Di*d?

In the days leading up to his de@th, Hitler was aware that Germany was on the edge of collapse since the Battle for Berlin had begun on April 16 and the Allies were closing in.

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The Nazis were unable to mount a counteratt@ck, so Hitler publicly berated his generals and declared victory. Dr. Werner Haase, an SS physician, was the one he consulted next about his planned su*cide. Haase advised him to po!son himself with cyanide and sh00t himself in the head.

Now, other Nazi leaders were scrambling to take charge of the crisis. Hermann Göring learned that Hitler was considering su*cide and asked to become party leader. But Hitler saw this as a coup attempt, and he ordered Göring to resign or be ki!!ed.

What Was Going On In The Days Before He Di*d
What Was Going On In The Days Before He Di*d

Meanwhile, Heinrich Himmler proposed surrendering to the Allies. Hitler ordered Himmler’s arrest notwithstanding their refusal of the offer.

Hitler, though, was aware that all hope was lost. On April 29th, at midnight, he had a little ceremony in the Führerbunker and married Braun. Before going to bed, he dictated his last will and testament to his personal secretary, Traudl Junge.

Why Did Hitler Committed Su*cide?

As claimed by History Hit, Hitler committed su*cide after hearing that his Italian ally, Benito Mussolini, had been ki!!ed by partisans. Blondi was used as a guinea pig for his cyanide pill tests.

After it, Hitler found out that there were no German forces available to save the capital. Hitler and Braun bid farewell to the remaining Führerbunker residents after lunch on April 30 and retired to the Nazi leader’s study.

Even though no one else was present when Hitler and Braun were sh0t de@d at 3.30 p.m., witnesses in the Führerbunker reported hearing a loud bang. It was said that the room smelled like burnt almonds, which is a common symptom of cyanide po!soning. Both Hitler and Braun had committed su*cide by means of a gunsh0t to the head. You can see the official tweet by Anton Gerashchenko below. 

So What Happened Next?

Others in the Führerbunker then took the bodies of Hitler and Braun to the garden behind the Reich Chancellery, doused them with gasoline, and set fire to them. When the initial attempt to burn the bodies with paper in the bunker failed, Hitler’s top valet Heinz Linge got more paper and tried again.

After Hitler’s assassination, Nazi Germany effectively collapsed, and on May 8, 1945, the Germans declared unconditional surrender. Although it is often believed that Hitler committed su*cide in the Führerbunker on April 30, 1945, there are many who argue that he avoided arrest and lived through the war.

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