Farrah Fawcett Cause of Death

An Analysis of Farrah Fawcett’s Fatal Cancer!

Farrah Fawcett died of ovarian cancer in 2003, making her death anniversary this year. Although she was first diagnosed with cancer in 2006, she completed treatment and is now cancer-free.

A few months later, though, cancer had spread to her liver. She was 62 when she passed away.

Cancer of the anus is uncommon. The American Cancer Society predicts that 8,300 men and women will be diagnosed with cancer in 2018.

Almost all occurrences of anal cancer are caused by the human papillomavirus, according to Dr. Julian Sanchez, a surgeon with the Gastrointestinal Oncology Clinic at the Moffitt Cancer Center (HPV).

Individuals with HIV and sexually active gay men both have a greater chance of developing anal cancer.

Sanchez compared HPV to other viruses that do not completely disappear from the body. Once you’ve been infected with the virus in your youth, it can return to full strength later in life.

In most people infected with HPV, the virus is kept dormant until adulthood. Initially appearing as a benign lump or genital wart, the condition has the potential to return as a malignant tumor.

Sanchez claims that anal cancer is very curable if detected in its early stages. When diagnosed at an early or intermediate stage, patients have an 80-95% five-year survival rate when treated with chemotherapy and radiation.

According to those close to the actress, Fawcett’s problems persisted for a considerable amount of time before she finally sought medical attention. please check also Magic Johnson Net Worth

Sanchez claimed that the bad prognosis was because diagnosis and treatment were put off. “Typically, these symptoms do not suddenly appear. Patients frequently experience distressing signs, including pain and bleeding.

The survival rate for patients with anal cancer is low, and significant surgery to remove the anus and rectum is often necessary if the disease is not caught and treated early. They’ll also require a colostomy bag, a tiny pouch that’s worn permanently to collect waste. please read also Charles Barkley Net Worth

Sanchez thinks it’s crucial to be self-aware and not allow any symptoms to grow despite the lack of screening criteria for anal cancer. He stresses the importance of getting regular examinations, particularly rectal and cervical checks and Pap screenings.

Moffitt is a trailblazer in opening a screening clinic for people who are at high risks, such as those with HIV and gay men.

The Hillsborough County Health Department and local physicians collaborated to open this groundbreaking facility in the Tampa Bay area, where patients may get anal Pap smears and risk-reducing high-resolution anoscopy therapy.

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