Who is the Oldest Person Alive

Juan Vicente Pérez, Who is 112, is Known to Be the Oldest Living Man in the World!

At 112 years, 253 days old on February 4, 2022, Juan Vicente Pérez of Venezuela was officially recognized as the oldest male human being alive.

This day marks 112 years, 11 months, and 21 days of his life, and his 113th birthday is just around the corner.

Juan was the ninth of ten children born to Eutiquio del Rosario Pérez Mora and Edelmira Mora on May 27, 1909, in El Cobre, Táchira, Venezuela.

His family settled in Los Pajuiles, a small town in San José de Bolvar, in 1914. As early as age five, he began helping his father and brothers harvest sugar cane and coffee.

Together with his brother Miguel, he built a trapiche (a wooden mill) to facilitate the processing of coffee and sugar cane; eventually, the family was able to upgrade to a more powerful machine.

He started elementary school when he was 10, but he barely lasted five months there since his teacher got sick. Fortunately, Juan was able to read and write when his teacher gave him a book to help him get started.

After working as a farmer for a while, in 1948 he decided to try his hand at law enforcement and became the sheriff of Caricuena, where he spent the next decade mediating land and family issues.

Juan’s other great interest is in strengthening his bond with God and his family, which he values almost as high as farming. He values his life, the sustenance he receives, and the company he keeps.

Before her death in 1997, Juan Vicente’s wife of 60 years, Ediofina del Rosario Gara, was his constant companion. There are now 41 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grandchildren in the magnificent family that the couple started with their eleven children (six sons and five daughters).

Juan Vicente would spend his time away from the office with his loved ones. On the Vitrola, his son Edesio would perform the music of Antonio Aguilar, Hermanas Calles, and Negro Picante.

Juan Vicente lived long enough to witness numerous revolutionary innovations, including television and the internet. At age 51, he finally got around to having a black-and-white version of his identification photo made.

Who is the Oldest Person Alive

Both Juan Vicente’s health and memory are top-notch. He can recall details of his early life, his marriage, and the identities of his siblings, offspring, and grandchildren. He enjoys being in the company of loved ones, especially when they are sharing stories and exchanging insightful comments.

The fact that he could spend his 100th birthday with all of his sons and a large number of great-grandchildren was a very meaningful milestone in his life. An artwork gifted to him by his granddaughter Karla Marisol and her husband hangs proudly on the patio’s focal point.

“It’s glad to report that my dad is doing fine these days. He doesn’t have anything seriously wrong with him that would necessitate medical attention, “joint custody of their daughter, Nelda Perez.

“After a good night’s sleep, he feels refreshed the following morning. My entire family is thankful for my father’s good health.”

He hopes that his legacy will be one of a hard-working man who remained devoted to his family and his beliefs.

For Juan Vicente, his 113th birthday is approaching quickly. His loved ones and closest friends will be there to help him toast his incredible accomplishment.

Mr. Saturnino de la Fuente Garcia (Spain, 11 February 1909) died on January 18, 2022, at the age of 112 years and 341 days, earning him the title of the longest-living person in history.

After reaching the ripe old age of 119 years on April 19, 2022, Kane Tanaka (Japan, born 2 January 1903) officially lost her title as the world’s oldest living female.

Sister André (France, born 11 February 1904 as Lucile Randon) is the new oldest person alive (female) and the overall oldest person alive. She is 118 years and 73 days old.

On June 12, 2013, at the age of 116 years and 54 days, Jiroemon Kimura (Japan, born April 19, 1897) died.

How Do We Validate the Oldest People?

Robert D. Young, the Senior Consultant in Gerontology for Guinness World Records, reviewed the evidence for the oldest living guy (USA).

As of 2015, Young headed the Gerontology Research Group’s Supercentenarian Research Database Division as its director.

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