Piccolo Vs Tanjiro

Piccolo Vs Tanjiro Who is Better Personality?

Here, we compare the reach of Piccolo Vs Tanjiro. In this post, we compare the power of Piccolo Vs Tanjiro. We are also disclosing their personality & more details.


The Personality of Piccolo

No matter who Piccolo is loyal to, his general attitude has always been stern, if not grumpy, and he has never cared much about other people. Piccolo doesn’t smile much and likes to be alone. In the north area, Piccolo is often seen meditating in quiet places and drinking water that used to be frozen.

But when he fights, he seems very sure of himself. He can also be very direct and honest about how he feels about a situation or a person, which can be very upsetting to other people. Piccolo is known for using very precise and effective strategies in battle.

He is also shown to be very analytical and tactical in battle, able to see his opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and come up with good plans to beat them. In the Baby Saga, Baby said that Piccolo was one of the best fighters in the whole galaxy.

At first, Piccolo had the same goals as his father/former self, which were to rule the world and kill Goku. He was determined to prove that he was better than everyone else, and he had many of his father’s bad traits, like being violent and destructive and not caring about anything but winning.

This was shown when he fought Goku in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament and broke all of Goku’s limbs while laughing sadistically. He did this because Goku had hurt his father, so he thought it was necessary. Even so, Piccolo had some restraint and honor, as he saved a mother and daughter from falling debris during a storm for no reason.

After Krillin lost in the tournament, he also let him go. Piccolo has also shown that he is pragmatic. When the Saiyans became too dangerous for him to handle on his own, he joined forces with his rival Goku and the rest of the Z Fighters to defeat them. Goku says that his evil became more of a stubborn and angry attitude than a straight-up bad nature.

After he fought Goku, Piccolo slowly started to change for the better. His evil nature was only kept alive by his desire to kill Goku, which he got from his father/former self. Later, when he and Goku worked together to fight Raditz, Piccolo started to show more respect during the fight. He even thanked Goku for his brave sacrifice, even though he still thought of him as an enemy, and he praised the other Z Fighters’ bravery and tactics during the fight with Nappa.

While training Gohan, Goku’s son, Piccolo’s heart and motives quickly start to change. This is because Gohan agrees with Goku that Piccolo is now more grumpy than truly evil. During the time that Piccolo was training Gohan, both Mr. Popo and Kami noticed a change in his personality. Mr. Popo said that he was no longer the Demon King of old because he had lost his position as leader of the Demon Clan. Kami thought that Piccolo had the same foreboding of death that he did and that he wanted to leave a legacy, even if it was in the son of his sworn enemy.

At the beginning of Gohan’s training, Piccolo told him that if he was angry with him, he should curse his fate as Piccolo did. This showed that Kami was right about what was driving Piccolo. During the fight with Nappa, Piccolo says that his love and friendship with Gohan had changed him in a way that would never go away.

Piccolo has said that Gohan was the first person who didn’t see him as a monster and was proud to call him his friend. Piccolo became very protective of Gohan after that. He was proud of how much he had grown as a man and saw Gohan as a surrogate son. Gohan came to think of Piccolo as a dear uncle or even a second father.

This also solidified his change from being bad to being good and made him a true friend and teammate of the Z Fighters. He also came to see Goku as a close friend and ally. After being teleported from the self-destructing Planet Namek and learning of Goku’s plans, Piccolo said he would have preferred to fight with the noble warrior to the end, showing his respect for the Earth’s savior.

Piccolo Vs Tanjiro

During the Fusion Saga, when Super Buu kills everyone with a single attack, Piccolo falls to his knees in shame and horror. He had told Buu to kill more people because he thought Goten and Trunks needed to train and because the Dragon Balls could bring them back to life. Even though he hasn’t changed much, he still doesn’t talk much unless it’s about the battle. He also doesn’t seem to understand romance, calling it “mushy stuff,” which is understandable since Namekians don’t have romantic relationships.

As Piccolo goes through life, he gets a little more calm and happy, which makes him easier to stress out and irritate. He would go to parties and social events, like Bulma’s birthday and Gohan’s wedding, and have a good time. Even more, in Dragon Ball Super, Piccolo’s kindness kept showing. He showed a softer, more caring side when he helped raise Pan.

He did a great job because he had a list of things to do for the baby and enjoyed it. His care for Pan also shows his fun and silly side. When no one was looking, he played Peek-a-Boo with Pan and told her that when she cried at night, he sang to her. In Dragon Ball GT, he was so kind and selfless that he was even willing to give up his life so that the Black Star Dragon Balls could never be used again.

He tells Gohan to find his way in life, but he is still sure that Gohan needs to keep training to be able to protect those he loves. So, when Gohan asked him to retrain him after the second battle with Frieza, which cost Piccolo his life again to save Gohan, he gladly agreed. During this time, Piccolo continues to train Gohan harshly and cruelly to bring back Gohan’s fighting instinct and true power.

Piccolo is not like most Namekians because he has eaten solid food in the past. Most Namekians only drink water. He is seen as a child catching a fish and eating it. Piccolo still eats solid food sometimes, even after it is shown that Namekians only need water to live.

In Dragon Ball Super, Piccolo is sometimes seen with a plate of food at social events, which suggests that he eats with other people. But his favorite food is water from the Northern Mountains, which shows that even though he eats solid food, he still eats like a normal Namekian.

In Xenoverse, Piccolo is shown to have learned from his father’s mistakes. He even uses Master Mutaito’s defeat of King Piccolo with the Denshi Jar and Evil Containment Wave as an example of how one must use whatever tools or skills they have to win. In the original manga/anime, this is shown even more by the fact that Piccolo created the Evil Containment Wave Reflection technique, which he used to stop Kami from using the Evil Containment Wave, removing the one threat his father had been most afraid of.

The Personality of Tanjiro

People have said that Tanjiro has very gentle eyes and that he is a kind person. He is very determined and won’t give up once he sets his sights on something. The best example of this is how hard he worked to find a cure for Nezuko.

Tanjiro is pretty strong on his own, but when he needs help, he doesn’t mind asking others for it. He looks out for his friends, but he looks out for his younger sister even more. Despite being kind and understanding, Tanjiro has a limit to how much he can take and doesn’t like rudeness. For example, Zenitsu Agatsuma’s constant whining drives him crazy, and Inosuke Hashibira’s cruel actions make him angry.

The most notable thing about Tanjiro is that he can feel empathy for anyone, even demons. This made him often hesitate before delivering the final blow. This moment of hesitation is bad because it gives the Demons a chance to use Tanjiro’s understanding to get back on their feet and keep fighting, though this rarely happens.

But as Tanjiro got older and more experienced in his job, he became more careful and strict about what he did. Because he is brave enough to protect the weak, he has to treat his enemies with respect and honor, whether they are good people or evil Demons.

Piccolo Vs Tanjiro Who is Better Personality?

According to me, Tanjiro is a better personality compared to Piccolo because Tanjiro is innocent & Piccolo is rude behavior.

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