How to Start a Streak on Snapchat

How to Start a Streak on Snapchat

Is it your intention to begin a Snapchat streak?

The name “streak” or “streaks” may sound familiar, even to app newcomers. When two users of Snapchat exchange snaps with one another for three days or more in a row, they are said to be “streaking

 Increasing the number of consecutive snaps sent. If you and a friend exchange snap for 10 days straight, for instance, the “fire” emoji will display a number 10. The number represents the current length of your streak in days.

However, if a snap isn’t delivered within 24 hours, both parties would lose access to the content. In order to strengthen the closeness and camaraderie between two individuals, streaks are a wonderful tool.

Maintaining a winning streak, though, takes a serious commitment from both partners. How to begin a streak on Snapchat in 4 easy steps, along with answers to other frequently asked topics, may be found in the following article.


How to Start a Streak on Snapchat

If you and a friend want to start a streak on Snapchat, you’ll need to exchange snaps for longer than three days straight. In order to keep track of how many days you’ve been on a streak with a particular friend, a fire emoji (?) with a number will show next to their username after the third day.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to accomplish that:

  1. Ask to start a streak
  2. Send a photo/video snap
  3. Wait for them to snap back
  4. Repeat the process daily

1. Ask to start a streak

Snapchat requires you to request a streak before you can begin using it. If you don’t indicate to the other person your intent to initiate, they might think you’re not interested. The alternative is to do nothing and wait for nature to take its course.

You can ask for a streak in a text message, wait for it to happen on its own, or include it in a story. A streak can be requested in one of three ways. The first option is to directly request it via messaging (e.g., “Do you want to start a streak?”).

You can do this if you have a good relationship with the person or if you know them well. If you ask someone directly, and they agree to continue the streak, they are more likely to stick to it. Yet, they are not obligated to accept the offer if they don’t want to.

Don’t feel discouraged if someone declines to begin a streak with you because they rarely or never use Snapchat. As a result, they may be reluctant to end their winning streak. The alternative is to incorporate the question mark wording “Streaks?” into an existing tale.

This is a great technique to approach any friend about starting a streak together. That way, if they want to, they can provide you with immediate feedback on your tale. If they don’t, there’s no need for a negative answer; they can simply disregard your tale.

This is a more subtle technique to solicit a streak, as people will only reply if they find the inclusion of the request in your narrative interesting. One last way to begin a winning streak is the organic way.

Because of the difficulty of remembering to initiate the streak and the other person’s reluctance to be reminded, this is one of the least common ways to begin a streak. In order to use this method, you must either initiate the exchange by sending a photo or wait for the other party to do so.

After the photo has been sent, a red arrow will appear with the word “Delivered” next to it. The status will change to “Opened” once the recipient opens the snap. A single snap can also be replayed. To let you know that someone has replayed your snap, the statement “x replayed your snap!” will appear beneath it.

3. Wait for them snap back

The next step is to sit tight and hope for a reply snap. Both participants must email each other a photo or video every day for three days in a row for the streak to be considered successful. Therefore, the streak wouldn’t begin until the other person responded to one of your snaps.

If somebody fails to send a snap before the streak’s third day is over, the streak must begin again. That’s right, the snapping partners must reunite for another three days straight. Suppose you sent someone a snap and they replied for two days in a row.

One of you forgot to send a snap before the conclusion of the third day. The streak will begin again at the end of the third day. As a result, you should be fully invested in the streak before beginning it.

The alternative is to warn the other person that you might accidentally break it at any time (so there are no hard feelings).

4. Repeat the process daily

You’ll see a fire emoji next to their username after you’ve exchanged snaps with them for more than three days in a row. It’s when you reach that point that you realize you’ve started a winning streak.

An additional number (like 15?) will be displayed next to the flame emoji. The number represents the total number of days that you and the other user have been on a Snapstreak. If you and another user have been on a Snapstreak for 15 days in a row, for instance, the status will read “15?” next to your username at that time.

After more than three days of exchanging snaps, someone may have made a mistake if the fire emoji still hasn’t shown up. There must be a process restart when this occurs. Contact Snapchat if you think your streak was accidentally deleted.

After you’ve taken photos of each other for three days in a row, you should continue doing so for as long as possible. The larger the sum, the longer you’ve been taking photos together. The longest Snapstreaks have lasted hundreds of days (which requires a tonne of commitment).

Can you start a streak just by texting?

Incorrect, you can’t begin a streak just by sending a text message on Snapchat. If you and a friend exchange photos or videos for more than three days in a row, you’ve begun a Snapstreak! It’s not a real snap if it’s just a text.

As a result, only photo or video snaps will add to a Snapstreak; texting will not.

How do you know when a streak is about to end?

The Snapchat app will display an hourglass emoji () next to a user’s username if their streak is about to expire. There are still four hours left to snap them back when you see the hourglass emoji.

If you lose your Snapstreak, you’ll have to start anew. whenever you see the hourglass emoji, you should send a snap to that individual as soon as possible before your Snapstreak ends.

How do you get your SNAP score up to 1000?

Adding numerous Snap Stars and bombarding them with snaps will increase your SNAP score by 1000.

Here’s a detailed guide on how to accomplish that:

  1. Open Snapchat.
  2. Tap on the chat icon on the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Tap on the search icon on the top navigation bar.
  4. Scroll down and find “Popular Snap Stars”.
  5. Add as many Snap Stars as possible.
  6. Tap on the camera icon on the bottom navigation bar.
  7. Take a photo/video and send it to all of the Snap Stars that you’ve just added.
  8. Repeat step 7 until your snap score is increased by 1000.

If you want to raise your Snap Score, sending snaps to well-known Snap Stars is the way to go.


Snapstreak is Snapchat’s primary social function. The fact that no other social media site has this functionality contributes to its widespread appeal among young people. You can enhance your friendship and bond with someone by starting a streak with them on Snapchat.

Each day, you’re essentially giving them a glimpse into your life. There must be dedication on both sides before a streak can begin. The reason behind this is that the other person’s mood could change if the streak is suddenly broken.

Because of this, it’s considerate to give the other person advance warning before ending a streak.

Final Lines

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