ken kaneki vs Muzan

Ken Kaneki vs Muzan: Whose Personality Is Better?

Here, we compare the reach of ken kaneki vs Muzan. In this post, we compare the salaries of ken kaneki vs Muzan. We are also disclosing their Appearance, personality & other details.


The appearance of Ken Kaneki

Kaneki’s appearance as a child was identical to that of an adult. Kaneki is a regular, skinny college student who doesn’t play sports and would rather read than exercise. He dresses more casually when he’s free.

On the job, he dons the typical Anteiku waiter costume of black pants, a grey waistcoat, a white dress shirt, and a brown tie. His one and only Bakugan manifests in his left eye, and he has to wear a medical eye patch to hide it because he has no control over it.

His zombie mask looks suspiciously like a leather gimp mask with an eye patch. Like a confined asylum monster, it displays enormous, snarling fangs through a gaping maw. Because of the bolts protruding from his neck and the fact that he is an artificial ghoul, he has a Frankenstein vibe.

Due to the extreme stress, worry, and constant regeneration of his body, his hair became white and his nails turned black after ten days of Yamori’s torture. When he decided to fight as a ghoul, he also began donning skintight black clothing for the sake of intimidation and convenience.

Since the time jump, his once-white hair has grown out into black streaks and his nails are no longer dark. Most of the time, Kaneki can be seen dressed formally, just like the other Ghoul Investigators. He sometimes brings a briefcase with him on missions and wears a white trench coat over his outfit.

In the one-shot, Kaneki looks quite similar to how he does in the series, except that he is noticeably more muscular and, instead of a leather mask with an eyepatch, he wears a plain white mask with enlarged teeth and lips and an eye-shaped like a plus sign and a heart. It looks eerily like a clown’s face mask.

The personality of Ken Kaneki

Kaneki is a reserved young man who counts Hide as his sole true friend. His primary hobby is reading, and he devotes a great deal of his time to literature. He has a soothing demeanour and an upbeat demeanour. His mother was a strong influence on him, and he exemplifies true humility by taking the rap for others’ transgressions. But because he isn’t forceful, others take advantage of him and bully him.

However, despite his outwardly selfless and affable demeanour, he secretly fears being abandoned. Since his mother passed away, Kaneki has taken on many of her characteristics. In order to avoid facing his concerns of being alone in the world, he strives to shield the people he cares about from harm.

This is probably his worst flaw and display of self-interest. Simply put, Kaneki is trying to prevent himself from feeling lonely once again by constantly putting the needs of others ahead of his own. To avoid that fate, he decided to take the protection of others into himself rather than asking for assistance from others.

For Kaneki, witnessing the deaths of individuals around him is the first step toward reliving the days when he had nobody to rely on but himself and the memories he had made during his time alone.

Because of his transformation into a half-ghoul, he nevertheless has strong human feelings. He started working at Anteiku and befriended the ghouls there so he could stay in the human realm. To better protect himself and the people he cared about, he started reading martial arts literature after his experiences sparked an interest in self-improvement and self-defence. His half-ghoul heritage and the accompanying need to find a community of his own bothered him. If those he cares about are in danger, Kaneki will risk his own safety to protect them.

The Aogiri storyline, during which Kaneki was taken captive and tortured by Yamori, had a profound effect on his character. For the sake of protecting his buddies, he becomes crueller and harsher, but he never loses his cool. He has overcome his fear of his ghoul nature, and as a result, he is much more ruthless and unfeeling in battle, as evidenced by the time he started eating Yamori’s kagune to fortify himself. Kaneki has given up being “human” by fully embracing his ghoul nature.

Kaneki, in his guise as Haise, is an independent and pleasant person. His demeanour is one of reliability, loyalty, and devotion. Haise takes his job seriously, but he also has a soft spot for the undead and isn’t a fan of the idea of an Investigator needlessly wiping out ghouls. Although he is most known as Quinx’s guide, he treats all of his coworkers with the same level of respect and care and promises to watch out for them.

ken kaneki vs muzan

He is also completely trustworthy when it comes to carrying out the duties he is given by his superiors. Haise is an avid reader and a team player who would rather help the CCG achieve its goals as a unit than do it alone. During his talk with Akira Mado at Naan, Haise demonstrated his penchant for puns. When he is stressed or has a lot on his mind, he also has the annoying habit of scratching the back of his head.

Haise’s subordinates are prone to going out of their way to disobey him because of his soft demeanour, which makes him ineffective as a leader and causes him to worry for their welfare. Furthermore, Haise seemed to be repulsed by his ghoul side, in contrast to Kaneki, who accepted it. Whenever his ghoul side tried to urge him to accept it, Haise ignored it and instead called upon his role models for strength.

In his confrontation with Serpent, however, Haise reverted to his old ways, inflicting horrific wounds with his Kagune and even snapping his fingers, just as Kaneki had done when he was tormented by Yamori.

The appearance of Muzan

Muzan is a tall, musculature man, but his skin is so pale that he may be mistaken for being unwell. His eyes are almond shape and his black hair is frizzy. His irises, which resemble a cat’s, are a deep plum colour. His fingernails are razor-sharp and a striking shade of blue. There’s a good chance he’s in his late twenties.

Muzan wore a white fedora with a crimson ribbon in his debut appearance. He also wore an over-the-top ensemble. It was a black tuxedo with white embroidery, a black dress shirt, and white dress pants. The black loafers he paired with the suit looked sharp.

Rui’s memories of his initial encounter with Muzan show that the Demon King had a different hairstyle and attire in the past. Muzan’s hair was straighter and parted in the middle when he first met Rui. As for his attire, he was donning a white half-cloak over a loose-fitting tuxedo.

The Lower Rank demons didn’t immediately recognise him because he had arrived at their rendezvous disguised as a sophisticated woman in a long black yukata.

A little while later, he assumes his most recent guise, that of the adopted sickly son of an elderly couple, assuming the appearance of a small youngster with an ebony complexion and glossy black hair. A white button-down shirt, black cargo shorts, long tube socks, and loafers make up the bulk of his disguise.

Muzan’s hair gets longer and turns white when he escapes from his flesh cocoon and neutralises Tamayo’s poison owing to the accelerated ageing caused by Shinobu’s poison. In addition, he sprouts several mouths on his appendages, each one fitted with a row of razor-sharp teeth. There is a dark crimson lump on his skin that looks to be expanding from the tips of his limbs.

After hundreds of years, the scars from Muzan’s initial battle with Yoriichi remain visible on his skin. These wounds were burned into his cells and have never entirely healed. These injuries are concealed at first but become apparent as his health deteriorates.

Muzan, in his final showdown, takes on the demonic infant form of a structure three stories tall to protect himself from the sun’s rays. This guise of him gives him a more crimson complexion, little claws on his hands, and fanged teeth.

The personality of Muzan

Muzan is a terrifyingly brilliant, merciless killer. None of the people he has met has impressed him, and he doesn’t even seem to care much about his own subordinates. He rarely shows any signs of emotion on his face, remaining stoic and unconcerned even when he coldly executes his own colleagues. Whenever his ideal is being realised or whenever his minions are entirely subservient to his will are the only times he shows any sign of emotion.

His facial features are enhanced in the manga to illustrate his increased expressiveness, especially when he is angry (possibly as a way to display his normally unreadable emotions). His monotonous disposition is emphasised in the anime by the fact that his expressions rarely change and his voice tone is constant for the most part. Many hellspawn holds him in high esteem out of respect for his brutality and dread him because of his intimidating presence.

Because of his massive ego and a false feeling of self-importance, he cannot take any form of criticism and so is easily offended. As a corollary, he rarely takes anyone seriously enough to be a real threat to him.

He brutally killed a pair of drunk men simply for being rude to him and killed their female companion when she had done nothing, all while proclaiming his own perfection and superiority over them, displaying his pettiness as he won’t settle for any mockery and will do anything he pleases until the humiliation is remedied.

This event also hints that Muzan has unpleasant memories of his weaker, human past, and is very self-conscious of his unnaturally sickly appearance, immediately following with a lengthy denial that he is unhealthy, sick and much less on the verge of death, in all likelihood a bitter reminder that he is still imperfect. Kagaya Ubuyashiki’s reaction to Muzan’s confrontation with him was one of regret and sympathy for the life he had had.

However, Muzan simply interpreted it as insults and threats, which further amplifies his hatred for humanity and the Demon Slayers. Because he has never encountered a God or Buddha, he also thinks he is excused from Heaven for killing thousands.

Muzan’s severe narcissism, pettiness, and pursuit of perfection stand out as his most distinguishing characteristics. Over a millennium of life experience combined with a lack of significant adversity explains his strong egocentrism. His primary motivation is to overcome his sun phobia so that he can walk freely in the open air.

Every scheme he comes up with must be flawless since his long life and passions have made him that way, and his god complex stops him from seeing his own failings. Because he feels himself to be close to perfect, he has an intolerable lack of patience for people who disappoint him or whom he deems to be weak.

And in his inflated feeling of self-importance, he even ranks himself alongside natural calamities, which are obviously beyond the scope of human comprehension and control. This has led him to the conclusion that the Demon Slayers are an abnormal bunch who can’t just move on with their life after a catastrophe like everyone else.

Given that all of the killings he perpetrated (directly or indirectly) were planned acts of pure evil, his analogy demonstrates that he is completely incapable of feeling sympathy or remorse for his conduct.

ken kaneki vs muzan

Muzan is a tremendous coward under all those masks he wears, which more than makes up for his inflated sense of self-importance and obsession with perfection. The encounters he had with Giyu Tomioka and Tanjiro Kamado demonstrated his consistent desire to avoid conflict. He argues that the fact that the two of them have made it this far is more than enough, and that they should instead focus on working to earn their keep and ending the vicious cycle of vengeance.

Because of this, he is able to manipulate countless demons to do his bidding without getting his own hands dirty, which is a trait that goes hand in hand with his manipulative personality. Throughout the Sunrise Countdown Arc, Muzan has often tried to flee, either by dividing himself in two or by just running away. He has also repeatedly called for the Demon Hunters to give up the fight and die.

He has proven himself to be incredibly manipulative and crafty, blending in with human culture without raising any suspicion. He can convincingly portray everyone in society, from a youngster to a woman, thanks to his long life and extensive expertise. Furthermore, he is quite bright and has developed excellent strategic thinking skills as a result of his experiences in this life.

Muzan is a quick thinker and strategist who can cope with bad events quickly and rather successfully; this may be due to the fact that the loss of his subordinates doesn’t matter to him in the grand scheme of things.

In his arrogance and duplicity, he has no loyalty to his underlings and can easily toss them aside whenever he sees fit. He does not tolerate his employees challenging his authority and punishes them severely whenever they do. Many of his subordinates, in turn, are terrified of him and avoid speaking or thinking about anything that might upset him.

Many demons join his side because he promises them wrath and glory if they serve him. A lot of his subordinates are at their emotional lowest when he meets them, making them easy prey for his cunning and manipulation. Unfortunately, Muzan only cares about himself, thus he will kill his own subordinates to ensure his own safety, proving that all of these pledges were empty.

When he isn’t masking his true nature, his vileness and rage spill forth in a torrent. Yoruichi Tsugikuni, in particular, has likened him to molten lava gushing from a volcano.

His megalomania is easily outweighed by his instinct for self-preservation, as evidenced by the fact that he would curse his subordinates such that they would be too afraid to even mention his name, lest they be slain on the spot if they did. When cornered, Muzan’s normally calm, haughty, and superior demeanour collapses, allowing for terror and fear to take root as he fiercely fights for his life, taking increasingly harsh means to protect himself.

Muzan’s horrific murder of three bystanders following his initial meeting with Tanjiro is likely attributable to his fixation on ensuring his own survival. In both cases, he was brought back to the memories of two separate incidents where he came dangerously close to death.

Despite his many flaws, Muzan has consistently displayed a remarkable affinity for both high fashion and academic pursuits. Whenever he is portrayed outside of a combat situation, he always appears to be immaculately clothed. He dons a fedora and suit when he assumes the identity of Tsukihiko. Interesting note: Rei, his fictitious wife, wears a cloche hat (flapper hat).

When he assumes his Toshikuni persona, he studies extensively while dressed formally in a suit and tie. He was mixing chemicals casually, demonstrating his knowledge of chemistry, possibly formulating a medicine to enhance his demon physiology so that he could conquer the sun and/or avoid eating human flesh and blood while conversing with the Upper Ranks.

In the aftermath of his defeat and final moments, while being burned by the sun, Muzan revealed a far more vulnerable side to his personality as he slowly dissolved to ash and lamented his life and decisions. It turns out that Muzan was born “dead,” meaning that his heart would stop beating at regular intervals while he was in his mother’s womb.

He was thought to be stillborn until he struggled to breathe just before he was cremated. Muzan’s intense need to survive was formed by his fascination with “life” and his near-constant difficulties as a human; he felt exposed whenever he was reminded of his humanity. Despite being on his deathbed, he still felt no remorse for the thousand years he had spent killing and eating humans, claiming he just couldn’t recall any of the victims.

Though first sceptical, Muzan eventually accepts Kagaya Ubuyashiki’s explanation that the only truly “immortal” things in the universe are a person’s emotions, sentiments, and memories as he lies dying in the sunlight and contemplates his life. Muzan is so profoundly affected by this revelation that he adopts Yoriichi’s and Kagaya’s view that one must “leave something behind” in order to achieve true “immortality.”

Ken Kaneki vs Muzan: Whose Personality Is Better?

According to me, Ken Kaneki is a better personality because Kaneki is a shy boy, with Hide being his only close friend. He usually spends most of his time reading books, mostly novels. However, beneath his selfless and gentle nature is an underlying fear of being alone.

Muzan is a bad personality because Muzan is cold-hearted, ruthless, intimidating, and exceptionally intelligent. He sees no value in any humans he has encountered and shows little value in his own subordinates. His inflated ego and delusional sense of self-worth are so large that he cannot stand being mocked or corrected in any fashion, believing that others only exist to serve him.

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