Why Won’t Instagram Let Me Post a Picture

Why Won’t Instagram Let Me Post a Picture?

Attempting to upload a photo to Instagram but having trouble?

It’s possible that your post was deleted because it didn’t comply with Instagram’s rules. Or perhaps there’s a problem with Instagram itself. The good news is that there are answers to both of these problems. Find out why you can’t upload a photo to Instagram by reading this article.

Additionally, you will be provided with three options for correcting the issue.


Why won’t Instagram let me post a picture?

There are a few reasons why Instagram can reject a photo upload: you might have posted content that goes against their terms of service, there might be a problem with the upload, or you might have uploaded too many photos at once.

There are three main reasons why Instagram will not allow a photo to be uploaded. You have broken Instagram’s rules, encountered a bug, or uploaded too many photos at once. Many social networking sites employ their own unique approaches to combating spam and automated accounts.

Instagram handles these users by blocking them in various ways (including the famed shadowban, action block, and so on). This is being done to reduce the amount of spam and other fake accounts on the site. It’s possible, though, that there will be bugs in the system that will result in some erroneous blocks. As such, I’ll go over the three most common reasons Instagram will not allow you to upload a photo.

1. You posted something that violates Instagram’s guidelines

One of the main reasons Instagram won’t let you upload a photo is because it goes against their rules. It is possible for Instagram’s AI to identify content that is against their rules. Your post will not be submitted to Instagram if it contains content that goes against the community guidelines.

By way of illustration, if your photo or video contains any graphic violence, it will not be published. If you repeatedly publish inappropriate material, you run the risk of having your account permanently disabled. Your account may be “shadowbanned” even if you aren’t really banned.

When you’re shadowbanned, your content is hidden from anyone who isn’t already following you. You will not have any of your content displayed in the explore feeds or hashtag feeds. You can avoid this by not sharing content that is against Instagram’s rules. If one image won’t upload, try another.

2. It’s due to a glitch

Next, a bug could be the reason you are unable to upload photos to Instagram. Problems can fall into two categories. The first kind of mistake is caused by the photo itself, while the second kind is the result of Instagram’s artificial intelligence. It’s impossible to upload a faulty photo on Instagram.

This typically occurs when the image size is too large or when a non-native picture is being used. Your photo upload to Instagram will fail if it exceeds the maximum file size. But if the photo wasn’t taken with your phone, it may not upload properly.

In the same vein, if you try to submit something and get the notice “Your post goes against community guidelines,” it’s possible that this is a bug. Did you try uploading a photo but get a message saying “Your post goes against community guidelines?” It could have been an error if that happened to you.

You must wait for the problem to resolve itself before proceeding. A few hours is the average duration of the error notice, with 24 hours being the absolute limit.  It’s possible that Instagram’s artificial intelligence flagged your post as inappropriate even if it didn’t actually violate the site’s community guidelines. If that’s the case, we’ll just have to give it time to work itself out.

You should be able to make another post within a few hours, at most within 24 hours.

Some “circumstances” necessitate waiting longer than others before the action block is removed. Make sure to only upload one photo or video at a time to avoid this. You can utilise the carousel function if you want to upload several images at once.

How to fix picture can’t be posted

Take a screenshot of the photo, update Instagram, or delete the app’s cache if it won’t let you upload the photo. There are three ways to resolve the issue of Instagram photo uploading failure. If you’re using an Android device, you can try clearing the app’s cache or taking a screenshot of the photo before re-posting it.

Because of a bug, you can’t upload images too often. Luckily, one of the solutions below should work perfectly fine.

1. Take a screenshot of the picture

The first option is to simply capture a screenshot of the desired Instagram photo. Alternately, you may add the image to your personal photo album. It’s possible to repost the screenshot on Instagram afterward. You may fix the Instagram post problem by reposting the image as a screenshot.

You might be asking how it is that capturing a screenshot resolves the uploading problem. First, you must learn what “native posts” means.

When you say you’re posting a “native” photo or video, you mean you shot it using your mobile device. Unless the photo or video was shot on your phone, it isn’t native. Sometimes, Instagram will only let you upload “original” content.

The inability to add content to your tale is the most typical symptom of this problem. Furthermore, this could prohibit you from updating your feed. Try taking a screenshot or recording a video of the image on your phone and uploading it to Instagram to solve this problem.

The posting problem should be resolved at this point. You can attempt the next method if this one doesn’t work.

2. Update Instagram

The next step is to see if Instagram has an update available. You can run into problems with Instagram if you haven’t upgraded to the most recent version. Since the prior Instagram update could have certain flaws, this is the case. There can be instances when you need to update the programme to get rid of the bugs.

If Instagram’s description says it has been updated to resolve bugs or enhance speed, you should definitely install the update. The prior update may have had some kinks in it. There will thus be an updated version available to address the issues raised.

Check the changelog for any mention of bug fixes or performance enhancements; installing these updates may help with existing problems.

Using your iPhone, you may do the following to keep your Instagram profile current:

  1. Go to the App Store.
  2. Tap on the profile icon at the top-right of the screen.
  3. Scroll down and find the Instagram app.
  4. Tap on “update” to update the app.

Here’s how you can update Instagram using an Android device:

  1. Open the Google Play Store.
  2. Navigate to the options toolbar and select “Apps and Games”.
  3. Find the Instagram app.
  4. Tap on “update” to update the app.

Now that Instagram has been updated, you can launch the app and try to upload the photo again. If you still can’t upload a photo, you can either wait a little while or proceed to the next option.

3. Clear the cache

As a last resort, you can attempt deleting Instagram’s temporary files. Instagram’s storage space can be freed up by clearing the cache. Data and records will not be deleted, though. It accomplishes this by erasing all data in memory, including any photos, films, or narratives.

Instagram’s image, video, and story loading times will increase the next time you log in. However, Instagram problems can often be fixed by deleting the app’s cache.

Simply tapping “Clear Cache” will flush Instagram’s Android cache.

To delete Instagram’s temporary files from an iPhone, tap “Offload App.”

On an Android device, you can delete your Instagram history by selecting the “Clear Cache” option.

But things are a little different if you’re using an iPhone.

The iPhone lacks a dedicated “Clear Cache” button for clearing app data. The feature’s actual name is “Offload App.”

On an iPhone, you can delete Instagram’s temporary files by selecting the “Offload App” option.

Follow these simple steps to flush your iPhone’s Instagram cache:

  1. Go to your phone’s settings.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Tap on “iPhone Storage”.
  4. Find and tap on Instagram.
  5. Select “Offload App” to clear Instagram’s cache.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can clear Instagram’s cache on an Android device:

  1. Go to your phone’s settings.
  2. Tap on “Storage”.
  3. Tap on “Other apps”.
  4. Find and tap on Instagram.
  5. Select “Clear cache” to clear Instagram’s cache.

Now that Instagram’s cache has been emptied, you can launch it. If you re-upload the image, hopefully this time it will work. Don’t panic if you still can’t upload photos to Instagram; the site may be experiencing technical difficulties. After a little while, you should be able to make new posts on Instagram again (up to 24 hours).

Why is Instagram not letting me post on my story?

There is likely a bug on Instagram’s end if you are unable to add to your story. Most Instagram stories fail because the video was shot off-site. Your inability to add a video to your Instagram story could be the result of filming at a location other than your phone.

That is to say, if the video is captured or imported from somewhere else, Instagram might not be able to tell the difference (e.g. imported from your desktop). Snapchat, or some other video editing app, may allow you to re-save the video with the desired changes. Almost always, this will resolve the issue.

Why is Instagram blocking me from posting?

Your ability to post on Instagram has been disabled for one of three possible reasons: you have posted content that is against their terms of service; you have posted too many posts in a row, or there is a technical issue.

First, Instagram’s AI may delete your post if it deems it improper. Even if you didn’t intentionally upload content that would be considered inappropriate on Instagram, your post could be deleted if the app has a technical issue. There’s nothing you can do right now, but give it some time, and hopefully, you’ll be able to resume posting then.

Last but not least, Instagram may have disabled your account because you’ve made too many posts in a row. If you flood Instagram with posts at once, the app may mistake you for a bot and temporarily disable your account unless you slow down your posting rate.


You’ll find three solutions to the problem of Instagram not letting you post photos and the reason why. Many Instagram users have reported success when attempting to post again after trying one of these three methods. If you’ve tried everything and still can’t upload a photo to Instagram, your only option is to be patient. After a period of time has passed, you will normally be able to post again.

Final Lines

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