Thor vs. Iron Man

Thor Vs. Iron Man All Details You Need to Know!

Since the Civil War storyline in 2006 Marvel comics, Tony Stark hasn’t had a lot of fans. This trend continued until just recently. This isn’t an act like Spider-Man posing as a dangerous villain. He earned it. In essence, he took on the role of The Man, restraining any superheroes who refused to trust or openly align themselves with the government. They fought Captain America’s team, and we all know that when Cap is on your side, you’re on the side of the good guys.

But do you know who completely missed out on the Civil War? The Hulk, sure, but that’s another tale. Thor is the subject of my discussion. The real Asgardian was preoccupied with other issues when Iron Man cloned Thor from his DNA and sent the clone to battle Captain America’s underground Avengers. The same as dying.

Fortunately, gods don’t remain dead for long, so when Thor decided to resurrect Asgard and all his buddies who perished in Ragnarok (he had a busy year), he warped the entire city to rural Oklahoma. If you’re familiar with zoning regulations, you know the government isn’t delighted. Fair enough, Thor didn’t fill out any paperwork either. The brilliant J. Michael Straczynski and the equally talented Olivier Coipel team up on Thor #3, as Stark visits his pal. A poor plan, indeed.

Second-half 2000s media frequently explored ideas of mistrust, betrayal, and broken friendships. After the Civil War drove a wedge within the superhero community, Secret Invasion explored the possibility that any hero, at any time, could be a malevolent, shapeshifting Skrull. Thereafter, the American government was mostly under the influence of Norman Osborn (the Green Goblin), who served as the cruel chief of national security. It was refreshing that 2010’s Siege and the Heroic Age didn’t continue the trend of pitting heroes against each other. However, the events of the novel we are currently reading occur smack dab amid this moral muddle. To our good fortune.

Words are useless in the superhero world. When push comes to shove, I prefer it that way. But in the comics, Thor is far more powerful than Iron Man, contrary to the movies. Possibly the greatest electrical superpowers in the Marvel world, the thunder god can withstand assaults for hours on end and has strength on par with the Hulk. Stark, on the other hand, is more cunning, has access to miraculous technology, and is a genius. Iron Man has a fighting chance if he avoids a fistfight and doesn’t charge at Thor.

Perhaps I am mistaken, though. It may be said that Thor is Marvel’s equivalent to Superman, not in terms of morality or symbolism but terms of raw toughness. Unfortunately, Thor is immune to the effects of kryptonite, frost giants, and everything else you can think of. Remember how I said Stark shouldn’t antagonize Thor?

Thor vs. Iron Man

Even with his extensive political connections, Iron Man still needs to answer to a large number of politicians, generals, magicians, etc., and as anyone who has seen elderly men in positions of power can attest, they do not take kindly to being shown up. Stark was unsuccessful. Badly. However, he is still among the world’s brightest minds in many fields beyond engineering. Iron Man may be more knowledgeable about political maneuvers and loopholes than any other superhero in the country, second only to Nick Fury. If you want to run a $1 trillion company, you need to know how to sidestep regulations.

Finally, the issue has been resolved! All that’s been lost is Stark’s billion-dollar outfit and a friendship that can’t be patched up over a glass of mead.

Don’t you see? There’s a clear victor and a loser in this war, but it hasn’t stopped it from tearing at our hearts. Now that they’ve gotten back to battling crime, heroes can finally take solace in the fact that at least one of their foes always emerges grinning from the ring.

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