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11 Hulk Comic Moments That Were Way More Destructive Than the Movie Scenes

Hulk In Comics Vs Hulk In Movies

Hulk In Comics Vs Hulk In Movies

The Marvel Cinematic Universe wants fans of their films to understand that the Hulk is just a sensitive guy who got a bad break in the science department. This is why there are such striking differences between the Marvel Comics and the Marvel Cinematic Universe Hulk films. In the comic books, Bruce Banner and the Hulk have long since stopped caring what others thought of them and instead made a beeline for destruction.

Some of the bloodiest scenes from the Hulk comics were left out of the films because they depicted the character being defeated. It is expected of him to do the breaking.

Every time there’s a Marvel movie with the Hulk, the filmmaker nods to the days when the character was more brutal in the comics than in the movies, but they never actually let him lose it. Of course, he can take on a small army, but can he punch a guy’s head so hard that he loses consciousness? What, clap his hands so hard that everything within a three-mile radius is wiped out? Why shouldn’t he do it in the movies if he can in the comics? Read on to learn about instances where the Hulk caused far more damage in print than he ever could in a movie.


His Most Intense Alien Punch So Far

Remember how Bruce Banner said, “I’m always angry,” before transforming into the Hulk and punching an alien exoskeleton thing in the face, effectively crushing it, in The Avengers? Sure, that’s pretty neat, but you know what’s even neater? Abomination gets punched so hard by the Hulk that he collapses into a crater. Kevin Feige, how about we make that happen?

Tanks Are for Idiots

The big green guy destroys some tanks in Ang Lee’s widely panned Hulk. The situation is fine. It’s better than most people’s memories of it, but it’s still not fantastic. To counter this, in Incredible Hulk #121, Banner smashes his fists into the ground so hard that he causes a tremor that flips the tanks as they fire on him, causing them to shoot the planes flying overhead. He uses tanks to shoot down airplanes. How badass is that? In retrospect, it’s obvious that this is the kind of thing that should have been included in the film.

The Hulk Needs to Throw Someone to the Moon

While this may not be destructive, it is still totally cool. One of Doctor Strange’s more racially insensitive villains is thrown to the moon from Earth in Hulk vs. Fin Fang Foom #1, as the green machine picks him up and hurls him into space. Every time the Hulk has a starring role in a film, he uses his enormous strength to toss an innocent bystander. Still, what the hell? Where is this information in the Marvel movies? They aren’t even trying to be realistic, let alone following the Dogme 95 guidelines. Fans have threatened to riot if a character isn’t launched into space in the next Avengers film.

That Time He Punched Off Deadpool’s Head

Many of Iron Man’s and Thor’s and other allies have been challenged by the Hulk. Both in the movies and the comics, he has shown that not even his closest friends are safe from his wrath. The fight in Deadpool #39 with a suicidal Wade Wilson is the best fight he’s ever had in the comics, and that’s saying a lot. Consider the state of his brain. Now it flows like a liquid!

Thunderclap Hurricane

It’s cool that Edward Norton’s Hulk extinguishes a blaze in a helicopter with a thunderclap in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, but it’s way cooler when the Hulk flattens half of South America. In Hulk Annual #5, for instance, the Hulk kills the giant smoke monster Diablo by clapping so hard that he creates a minor hurricane. The creature vanishes after his efforts, and the hurricane continues toward South America. That is justice, and it is cold and brutal.

The Hulk and Iron Man Face Off Is Much Crazier in the Comics

Tony Stark’s Hulkbuster suit makes an appearance in the second Avengers film, and we see how long he and the green machine can go head to head without any problems. A tight and effective fight takes place between them. If you want to see Iron Man and Hulk go head-to-head, you should read the World War Hulk story arc, in which Banner unleashes the wrath of the Hulk on nearly every mutant on the planet for their roles in the death of Banner’s wife. He not only vanquishes Tony Stark and his feeble Hulkbuster suit but also causes extensive damage to Stark Tower.

The Hulk Destroys an Asteroid

The scene in which Captain America orders the Hulk to “smash” is one of the film’s most memorable. Seeing Hulk storm a building and start whomping on aliens is hilarious. But imagine how much more awesome it would be if that scene was set in outer space, and Hulk jumped through an asteroid instead of a building. Because of this, Marvel Comics Presents #52 scores higher on the fun-factor scale than Joss Whedon’s first Marvel film.

Doctor Hulk love: or How We Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb

Many films, including Ang Lee’s Hulk, have shown the hulk being attacked by heavy weaponry. Most attempts to defeat the Hulk use explosive devices because of his name. Why, then, hasn’t there been a Marvel movie where S.H.I.E.L.D. or HYDRA, or someone else uses a nuclear bomb on the Hulk? The Hulk would be incapacitated for a few hours, even if you know that the bomb won’t kill him. If you wanted to capture Bruce Banner, instead of sending Natasha Romanoff to negotiate with him, you could just bomb his house and bring him to your hidden headquarters. That’s exactly what takes place on this page of the comic, and it’s badass.

The Hulk Fights the Army

2008’s The Incredible Hulk has Bruce Banner fighting off a group of soldiers to prove that he can transform into the Hulk. While Edward Norton and Tim Roth are two of the best in the business, this film is let down by its illogical plot and, let’s be honest, its lackluster fight scene. The director wanted to include a Planet Hulk shot in this scene, but it just looks like a bunch of tiny green men firing tiny green bullets at a giant green man. Check out the comics if you want to see Bruce Banner square off against the military.

The Hulk is Great at Grabbing Jets Out of Mid Air

In the last moments of Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Hulk is seen leaping from the ground and into a jet. Cool. The destruction caused by Hulk’s jets in the comics makes that look like child’s play. It doesn’t matter if the Hulk is snatching jets out of the air, jumping into jets, or punching things flying through the air so hard that they explode; the green machine loves this party trick. Incredible Hulk #301 features one of the most memorable air strikes by the Hulk, thanks in large part to the explosive noises that accompany the destruction of a building by jet.

Hulk Loves Jumping Out of Planes

Although the scene in The Avengers where Bruce Banner uses adrenaline to transform into the Hulk from a plane jump is exciting, this 1973 comic features Bruce Banner attempting to rescue someone from Niagara Falls by jumping out of a single-engine plane. Instead of jumping out of a plane, he turns into a bomb and explodes. This is exactly the kind of thing the Duplass brothers would be good at, but since a mumblecore Hulk movie isn’t likely to be made for at least another 80 years, we can put that idea to rest.
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